пятница, 26 августа 2011 г.

Kids Room Design

The children want to enjoy the freedom everywhere and do whatever they want. They are always attracted by the colored objects inside and outside the home.

It is wise to let them pass through the visible, have a vivid imagination, to enjoy the natural things and funny things. If you want your child to stay at home, you need to make the living space of an interesting and fun.

You will need to apply color themes and exciting children's room walls add a lot of fun items for your nursery. Now management is beginning to interfere with the thoughts of how to decorate the room with their children what they enjoy, whose theme would be fun. Let's discuss the most useful combinations of colors, themes and many fun items for children's interests.

Topics for the nursery

Cartoon Themes

Children are eager to see the picture cartoon. You should try to meet the various pictures by drawing cartoons on the walls. Caricature characters like Mickey Mouse, fairies, flowers, etc. to repair the camera and turn it into a pleasure to March.

Adventurous themes

Topics of adventure on the walls of the nursery play a vital role in satisfying their curiosity. Wallpapers stick wild animals in the walls is another way to go through the task. Also, the use of fabrics such as pillows, curtains and valances printed with images of tigers, elephants and horses, etc in the front and back of the bed is a wonderful idea. You can use images from other insects in the same sense in their minds.

Movie Themes

Every child likes to watch an animated movies all the time, but it's Alibaba, Aladdin, Toy Story or otherwise. Bet on these issues by buying clothes, furniture with the theme of the film. You can go to the wall-papers showing the characters in the film or the paint on the walls of the car.

Themes fanastic

Topics realistic are the best choice for your nursery. The choice of the children is of cartoon characters and fun items. Drawing shapes on the walls can improve their skills amazing. His special space to spare for the design of the arts to improve skills. Let your child play in your / personal space where he / she can engage in creative activities like drawing, complete with color images.

Colors for nursery

Choose a comfortable and give the color a little 'love. You will need to respond to other themed rooms. Use the blue color of a boy and a girl in a pink color. If you have two children, then green, yellow, lilac, lemon, peach, etc. in their rooms. Furniture must be in agreement with the color of the walls.

Create a natural attraction of natural objects attract the attention of children to nature. They seek beauty and joy through these substances. His best idea to paint the walls in shades of brown and green. The number of reptiles, butterflies and insects of interest must be drawn on the walls to create wild imagination. Each figure has a natural impact on your mind / and entertain feelings.

Organizing space for children's room

Enough space to allow children to enjoy personal activities. Do not mess up too much space by providing the room is small. Organize storage space, such as a rack or shelf of their toys. If the room is big enough, you can invest in rocking chairs to relax and play the stuff on their desks. Would be suitable for curtains to coordinate with the color in the room. All these things could make your child the pleasure of the world.

Tips for ornamental Boy Child

Its hard to decorate your child's child friendly. However, you can do the same by applying realistic themes in his room. Ask your child about the issues that prefers his room. You can get an idea of ​​what's happening in your mind. To do the job, apply these ideas to the kids area.

Make room for his favorite hobbies such as photographs or arrange to insert a table to keep her favorite photos.

Allocate space for personal musical instrument like the guitar and drawing board with a place for pencils and colors.

Adorn the walls of his favorite hero, actor or singer.

Go blue, purple, green, brown and orange and use similar shades on the walls, for example, you can paint the walls a light blue and blue doors and windows darker.

Arrange furniture neatly to move freely in space. Do not mix the stuff into the room.

Tips for a beautiful girl child

As your child has unusual tastes and needs of their clothes and other things. Its even more difficult to beautify the room with the girls. However, to reach the goal by applying the following tips.

To embellish the walls and use the whole squad of the same color with other things, such as pillows, sheets, curtains and so on.

Use a beach backdrop of blue color indicates the nature of the wall. You can choose any of a wide range of backgrounds available on the market.

Take advantage of great fabrics for furniture and pillows, and lids. You can also create a denim walls.

Go golden accents add charm to the room and brocade fabrics, iron racks and modern furniture which together give a compliment aspect of the room.

Create a garden like feel with floral prints on canvas and walls. You can try some nice houseplants.

Make use of pictures of animals, herbs and other natural elements in the walls if the girl has an interest in animals and nature. You can purchase cushion covers, bedspreads, etc. into the computer cover animal prints.

Do a combination of rustic furniture cane, traditional fabrics, and white creates a rustic look.

How To Design A Kitchen

A well-designed kitchen can add significant value to a house, but there are traps and kitchen esigning is best left to professionals.

Nothing is more damaging to family life, and as a large kitchen remodeling. Most people who spend a lot of time at home in the kitchen. This room is important to use to prepare meals, eat informally, and an informal meeting place for family and friends. People will soon realize how important it is when you tear the room during renovations, even the simple task of coffee will make a great company without a kitchen. It 'is therefore very important that the tear off and installation of a new co-ordinate the design phase to minimize downtime. If you want a real life definition of anger, tell your family's kitchen is reduced to two weeks because you forgot to order something, or the dimensions were wrong and you have to rebuild a wardrobe.

Most experts say that the renovation of the kitchen almost 100% return on investment when the property is sold. The investigation of the properties show that the kitchen is one of, if not the most important feature for potential buyers. Real estate agents have told me that the quality of the cuisine is often or breaks the sale.

Kitchen design is very subjective, there are few hard and fast rules. Feature, or the layout is perfect for one person to another is far from perfect. The issue of lifestyle and how it is running the kitchen is very unique for each family. In most cases, the family, usually the primary user of the kitchen, have very clear ideas about what is needed and what the result is to satisfy their needs. Have often been leafing through magazines, drawing a rough plan, measure, and the dream of their ideal kitchen for quite a while 'time.

In the first look at your existing kitchen, looking for any information on new products and features on the market. Ask yourself questions about your needs and put ideas on paper. Combine your notes and rough drawings with accurate measurements and try to reach two or three floor plans. I usually do not try to radically change something that will change one important element that is important to me or my family, but I'll look for other solutions if I see something that is dangerous or very poorly designed . Try to incorporate the main concerns in the alternative plans.

There are some questions you must answer the first glimpse of the kitchen. Ask questions so you understand all requirements. Councillors call for a needs analysis study, and although I'm not fancy titles, I think the term applies in this case.

Discuss the current kitchen space and design with all the main users of the kitchen at home, the list of pros and cons of the design. Investigate the traffic patterns and the kitchen. Analyze the preparation of meals per day. Try making a "normal" routine daily meal preparation. Should be asked about wanting your family to do more in the kitchen. Is there a hobby or area of ​​interest, such as cooking, you would like to do something else to add, if space and facilities are available.

You think a lot of walking or movement is necessary during the preparation of meals? Ask whether or not to clean up after meals seems a monumental task. You can not solve the problem, but can be reduced by simple layout changes. You or your family might want to entertain more in the kitchen and a dining room, kitchen, and if the functionality of the room could be improved.

Determine how long you plan to his own house. A proposed $ 20,000 kitchen renovation can not be fully recoverable if the intention is to move to a quick sale in the near future. If you convince yourself to improve and returns are not realized during resale, you can lose a lot of money.

Discuss wish list of your family. If the space or money was not, what would you have in your dream kitchen? Discuss topics such as lighting, area lighting and task, needs kitchen spaces, and needs to upgrade equipment. There are other areas that may be discussed which may surface during your investigation. I found to be a good listener and asks many questions to be the best approach.

Kitchen design is a difficult process because everyone's needs and desires are different. I designed and built cabinets and workspaces for kitchen renovation projects that I would my own kitchen and I'm sure, is the opposite. Kitchen design is based on a very personal and individual taste.

Two design "rules" that seem true in all cases, treat the color and lighting. Or light-colored wood cabinets tend to brighten and visually expand the space. Improved general lighting and task always to improve the project. Old kitchen cabinets seemed to be dark and dim lighting, which gave you the impression that they were in a cave. Kitchen yesterday was simply a place for preparing meals, cleaning and leave the room. Lifestyle is now very focused on the venue for many large and diverse cuisine of activities the room is a bright, large display, functionality, and adapt to many of these functions. Take your time and explore all the options as the design is a very important process for any renewal of the kitchen.

There are many styles of cooking game, including L-shaped kitchen, cooking, island style U-shaped, which can present many problems of human trafficking. However, most kitchen designers agree that the sum of all legs in a triangle of work in any style of cooking is the triangle formed by the distances between the fridge to the stove to the sink and return to the refrigerator no less than three meters and not more than twenty-five feet. If the sum of the legs in the work triangle are too small, people trip over them and if too large, food preparation could be a very stressful task. I can analyze this system work every time you create a kitchen design and has proved a useful exercise.

If you feel intimidated by the process of kitchen design, you can explore the option of enrolling in courses in design, offering some of the colleges in your area. Investigate the possibility of seminars offered by local, regional, state and federal unions. And 'the National Kitchen and Bath Association, is listed in the phone book in most major cities, who may have information.

Kitchen design is a very important role, so that a certification program certification kitchen designer. These individuals, who are certified usually specialize in this area that only describes how big a renovation kitchen, the field has changed. It 'nice to live to be doing a lot of satisfaction in kitchen remodeling. However, as all the shops, the information come to learn and the greatest teacher is experience. Read books (I bought and read every book I can see the kitchen Cabinetmaking and Design), participates in seminars and training programs, and analyze every kitchen, you will come across ideas and techniques.

There are certain accepted standards in the kitchen cabinet. The height of counter space allocation between the base and wall cabinets, cabinet depth, and the space required for refrigerators and stoves.

These dimensions are not set in stone, but are generally accepted in the field of special equipment and device manufacturers. Width of most of the stoves is thirty inches, and most refrigerators require 33 inches for proper installation. Normally, the thirty-inch space is conceived as part of an installation plan stove. This gives us a half an inch on each side of the stove so that it can be easily removed and replaced during cleaning or repair.

Refrigerators are not quite standard, such as stoves, but a good rule of thumb is to allow 83.8 inches for this device. The standard of most refrigerators is about 81 inches, however, check the existing equipment, or what you are going to buy before build. I was a little embarrassed for a moment that would not fit standard fridge in 83.8 centermeter allowed me between the base cabinets. This situation is rare, but it is a reminder that you can not take action for granted.

The design of the kitchen is one of the most critical components in a renovation project. Take your time to investigate all options, and the end result will most likely meet your expectations.

Home lighting design

Good lighting design can affect our mood home, our productivity, our mental health and quality of social life in our house.

When designing or redesigning a home, you can have a big impact with careful lighting design. The first step is to understand the lighting options you have. The next step is to determine how much light and therefore how much light you need for each room. On this page, we will discuss the types of lighting.

See page for lighting calculations to learn how to calculate the optimum lighting at home.

Types of illuminated entry

When planning for domestic lighting, you will design and natural light and artificial light.


Natural lighting in each room is determined solely by the window size and position. Some people may feel inclined to take as many windows as possible and as big as they can be. There are a few observations, however, the size of the window.

Isolation. Windows typically have poor insulating qualities (or R value). His love of natural light should be tempered by the amount they are willing to pay to heat the house during the colder months. Note also that one of our strongest impacts on carbon emissions is the energy we use to heat and cool the house.

The wall space. Windows does, of course, take place to ensure that you are leaving enough room for all cabinets line the walls, artwork, lighting, etc.

The positioning of the window

When you place your windows for light, consider a model called Pattern Language Light on both sides. This model describes how a room with natural light on both sides will always feel more natural and comfortable for its occupants. This has to do with the quality of light is reached when the light is thrown from two directions instead of from a single source. (Think of a flashlight is open only on one side of someone's face and the impact of this form of lighting.) Light of more than one page is what we're used to nature.

Natural light Direction Home Lighting Design

Del Norte. A room that is used as an art studio or office more often the benefits of natural light from the north or indirectly. North light is more diffuse and does not create reflections or shadows.

East. The rooms are designed with more natural light of this experience the natural awakening and gradual thinning of the morning to wake up. Obviously, in a house with several rooms is not always easy to do the lighting design at home with all rooms have natural light in the east. Sometimes this can be achieved, but with different ceiling heights and tall windows.

West. Western windows are beautiful to look at programs sunset and sunset in development as night falls. However, in some areas during the warmer months, you can design these windows on the west careful not to drastically warmth of the house until the sun begins to fall into the sky. In general, you can avoid the gain of most solar home during midday when the sun is high in the sky with the roof of an appropriate size of the windows.

South South windows allow maximum natural light your home. They can also give a lot of sunshine in the winter months, offering live somewhere that gets a lot of winter sun.

Artificial light

Artificial lighting can be divided into three categories:

Area Lighting


Accent lighting

General lighting provides illumination of the area within the room. In general, we use the house lighting design lighting area, the replacement of natural light when the sun went down. Or, add lighting in the room lacks adequate natural light.

Lighting is used to illuminate the task at hand. This could be a lamp post beside your favorite reading chair, the light in the kitchen waiting hood over your stove or lamp on the retractable arm on your bench joinery.

Accent lighting is usually used to create a mood or to highlight a particular object or area.

Lighting Design at home with artificial light

When you design your home lighting, consider all types of lighting three (region, task and accent) and how you want to combine them to create layers of light throughout your home. If you have been through our tutorial design of your own home, make a quick return to the side of the house and needed to review each room and features that will be used. Then make more detailed notes on the lighting requirements of the room.

As an example of layers of light consider the following example of a diner. You may have general lighting in the form of recessed light fixtures at times that you use the dining table as a work place for all your family (children's homework, art projects, etc.). For the dinner, the lighting, you want a pendant light centered on the table. Wall to provide a backlight for ambient lighting or to create soft lighting on the walls. Wall will also help avoid the feeling in your dining room with a single light hanging over a card game poker (or maybe it's the effect you are looking for!).

When you're entertaining a dining room, you can have an accent light in low-salt, or simply not a general low-light lamps, dimmer switches in adjacent rooms.

Every room in your home lighting design, consider the birth to three years and that will be required. Every room in the design of the light from adjacent rooms, and how you can use and control the level of those lights.

How to Design Your Own House Plans

Design your home can be a wonderful journey of self discovery and creativity. This site contains all the tutorials and reference material for the design of house plans.

The site is here to act as a guide, you can design the original site design your house, always drawing plans, understanding the design of residential buildings and create drawings, by hand or using a software design house.

We have been through the process of designing the house from beginning to end and our family of four is now taking full advantage of our home to measure. It would be difficult for an architect to capture the little things, like many in our house, which reflect the way our family life.

We have great respect for architecture and design beautiful and practical, they create. But for some of us have the desire to create our own home too hard to transfer to another. People have been designing and building their own home for centuries. If you want, time and perseverance, you can too.

Tutoring Design House plans

Free Tutorial design home plans will guide you through a detailed step by step process of effective internal design. During this online tutorial, you design your home to the plans:

Perform site analysis

Research local zoning laws

Design of outdoor spaces

Creating a needs analysis at home

Interior design

The planning and design of the exterior of the house

Learn the basics of structural design of housing

Design plans

Creating a three-dimensional model of the house home design

Learn to make your own plan, or investigate the various programs of the home design software available

Create full house plans, including sections and elevations

Design your home - Our History

When my husband and I decided to design our own house, I searched high and low for good information that measures actual detailed design of a house. I had hoped to find a form of online (or offline) tutorial on designing your own home, which will guide me in the process. Instead I found a handful of ideas for home design, books, and started the difficult road of trial and error.

After creating dozens of floor plans (and at least four shots of the house with a complete structural design), I began to understand the design process really worked. And I realized the design elements that should be decided early in the process of designing things like the main entrance stairs, and a fireplace. These elements have wreaked havoc on the design if not integrated in time.

Now we have a family of four is living happily custom-designed home, I had time to organize and share with you the secrets of home design that I found the whole trip. In creating these tutorials, I have heard many others who have designed their homes to come up with "best practice" method of home design that really works.

How to design a house

You can follow through the design of your own home plans tutorial from beginning to end, or you can follow the navigation buttons on the left side of the page to jump to any topic. So choose your way to design your home plans now!